No flies on THIS Jw gal! LOLOLOLOL
Geez if they were this quick on the uptake at the KH a whole lot more of 'em would be coming out of the cult...
this site is not an official website of jehovah's .
i cannot believe some of the horrible things i have read here.
No flies on THIS Jw gal! LOLOLOLOL
Geez if they were this quick on the uptake at the KH a whole lot more of 'em would be coming out of the cult...
but my wife is a hard core jw.
should we just sneak away to chuck-e cheese or what?
he is 5.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL THE KIDS OF ALL AGES EVERYWHERE! Especially the ones who have some goober making a guilt 'issue' of their natural desire for a little fun and excitement on their special day!
I say, give the child whatever sort of (reasonable) party he wants. If Mom isn't with it, she can go spend some time in field service while you do the party thing. He's only little once, and this is an important landmark for him. Please don't let her deter you from doing this for your child!
If you decide to do a restaurant party, check ahead and see if they can provide a cake. Some of them do have party packages you can purchase. Kids seem to love this.
This year I was too ill to bake a cake for Little Dark but we bought a nice cake at Wal-Mart's bakery; it was decorated with his current fave cartoon characters and cost under $15. A shiny 'happy birthday' banner, some disposable birthday plates etc, and most little guys will beam with pleasure. My kid loves the small gifts as much as the fancy; Hot Wheels cars and action need to go broke, it's the idea of presents that give 'em the groove, usually, not the $$$.
Good luck! And tell your son 'happy birthday' for me!
used to be called multiple personality disorder (mpd).. i have it.
i was physically, emotionally, sexually abused.
the tramas in my life were so great that i split into many.
I can just see this asshole standing there with a cross in one hand typing that bullshit! He's so scared of blasphemy he is retreating into mindless Christobabble to shield himself! Copy his crap out and recite it like it was important? Take yer own advice, maroon... maybe if you mumble it often enough, you'll convince yourself there'e a purpose to it. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
Clueless, delusional, and stupid. Mmm,mmm,mmm yeah, I want THIS nitwit prayin for me! NOT!!!
used to be called multiple personality disorder (mpd).. i have it.
i was physically, emotionally, sexually abused.
the tramas in my life were so great that i split into many.
Why don't you blow that horrible noxious superstition out your Christer butt, you pompous arrogant prick! I don't worship your puke-crusted two-faced jealous schizoid Jayzez, and you have a lot of smegging crust telling people they are lacking in heart or spirit because they don't subscribe to your fearmongering imaginary skydaddy!
Why do you delusional emotional cripples always try to shove your imaginary friend forward as a solution? Christer lemming...pretending to love, trolling for emotionally wounded souls to suck into your mass delusion! Your 'power of Christ' is baseless, unproveable, and a pisspoor substitute for genuine reason, which you wouldn't recognize if it bit yer clueless Christer ass! Happy talk! Yes by all means let's slap on our happy Christer faces and be all sugary while telling the poor saps that they are plagued by your demons and only your imaginary superhero can HEAL!
Keep any further comments in your pants; you make honesthearted folk wanna puke.
Sloppy wet tongue kisses,
Mommie 'Foreboding' Dark
laughin her ass off at the delusional minister
used to be called multiple personality disorder (mpd).. i have it.
i was physically, emotionally, sexually abused.
the tramas in my life were so great that i split into many.
Please please, any of you who feel you need help in coping with abuse issues, IGNORE THIS POOLE PERSON!
Look at this stupidity, this abject idiocy he spouts! "The medical community, with their restrictive belaboring clinical diagnostic approach, often jump-start without the proper spiritual tools of Christianity. This is when the demons can play around with all involved; also, there is alway the Hollywood concept to fuzz things up as well. The traditional stone-age fix is to dope the oppressed and add a bit of group dynamics and encouragment."
Don't let anyone tell you that Gawd will fix you if you just believe! It's self-evident that most people who are sick and suffering as a result of genuine trauma do NOT get miraculous healing, no matter how earnestly they pray and believe in God. Insisting that religiobabble can solve this problem is the same as insising that prayer can heal physical disease, which, as we know, is bullshit charlatanry and showbiz grandstanding, demonstrated so ably by Oral Roberts and Benny Hinn et al. Praying over a mentally distressed soul is NOT going to effect some miraculous cure. IT ISN'T DEEMINZ! PLEASE DON'T LET ANYONE TRY TO CONVINCE YOU OF THIS HEINOUS SUPERSTITIOUS CLAPTRAP!
Pray if you like, if it comforts and assuages you, but DO NOT let this cretin or any other bigot like him tell you that medical science is inferior to his brand of Churchianity and its Holy Spirit ravings!
And please, don't tell me to be 'nicer' to this creep, guys. He has no right to try to shove his archaic superstitions at people who need help for a real problem.
Medication, therapy, and hard work using the tools you learn from a competent counselor, are the things that work best to bring peace and wholeness to the shattered mind and soul. As in all things, there is no such thing as a free lunch. Your sickness has a real cause, it isn't demons hassling you, and you can't expect some Holy Spirit Miracle to take it away in a flash 'becaw-us Ah be-lee-uv!' What you can expect is that with medication, determination, group dynamics, and lots of loving encouragement, you CAN find peace and joy in life. If prayer is a comfort and joy to you, if your version of God is necessary to your present wholeness, then by all means, embrace that. But don't let this sort of fearmongering Biblethumper convince you that Gawd is offering a quick fix if you will only let them rant prayers over you and if you will follow the Bible exactly as they instruct you! If there is a sane God, which I seriously doubt, then he isn't giving it away for free, guys. To pretend otherwise is just foolish wishful thinking. Don't let a Christian fool convince you to join him in his delusions.
i've known some of these folks for nearly thirty years; they do have some of the hallmarks of a cult, but the control is exerted exclusively through peer pressure, and they make almost a fetish of not having 'leaders'.... neotribalism is alive and well...
I've known some of these folks for nearly thirty years; they do have some of the hallmarks of a cult, but the control is exerted exclusively through peer pressure, and they make almost a fetish of NOT having 'leaders'...
Neotribalism is alive and well...
as a witness what occupation did/do you hold?.
i was speaking with a friend of mine that is a former witness and we remarked about how many of us have worked in some sort of janitorial work.
Jobs, jobs, jobs... I've been a poster-and-incense packer in a hippiedippie warehouse factory, worked on a plastics manufacturing assembly line, spent several years as a nursing assistant: these were in my early years when I was also caring for grade-school-age sibs. I was a nanny for a couple years before I had my kids. After my babies got school age, and I was back in the cult, I worked in various janitorial jobs in private homes and offices(most of the pioneers I knew in OH and TX worked some sort of cleaning jobs). After deculting I did some contract paperwork for FmHA, processing interest credit renewals on gov't mortgages. My last employment was as receptionist/office manager/nanny to a chiropractor.
Presently I am a stay-at-home mom, domestic goddess, iconoclast, and, if I ever break this smegging writer's block, I hope to serve as amanuensis to the zeitgeist. Right now I couldn't transcribe a Muse's sneeze...ah least the domestic goddess schtick is going well...
As always,
Mommie D.
i've been mulling over this and i'm finding that its common with several of my extended family who were raised in the org.
- seems that the feeling of never doing enough for the org.
( to obtain a place in the "new system" ) has spilled over into other areas of our lives.
I've noticed that those who believed most sincerely are the ones who internalized all the guilt trips the most. Folks who were indoctrinated from childhood often had those feelings of unworthiness instilled deep into their hearts. The Society encourages that.
I recall a JW missionary saying during a Bible study, "We're all just human garbage and isn't Jehovah good to tolerate us anyway?" And we all nodded and said 'oh yes thank you Jehovah' like a bunch of brainless puppets.
I know that I personally had all ambition and self-esteem knocked out of me by the time I was ten years old. I still struggle with the need to delete delete delete myself and my secret desires; this hideous 'gift' was given to me in the name of love by people who claimed to want the best for me.
Of course all that guilt was ladled right into my heart with the Scriptural spoon, so if there is blame to be assigned, Biblegawd gets his share as well as the WT.
hey guys.
i got an idea as to why there is the same bitterness by many/not all, on this board twards christians like there is to dubs.
you feel you have found it to be a crock just as the borg is and it makes you madder than crap to see people duped a second time.
Sieg's wife said, "If at one time some of the people who are presently atheists believed in God and His salvation for those of their faith, and now, because of the bOrg, don't believe in God at all, that is going in an extreme direction"
I wonder why people make this fundamental logical error ALL THE TIME? I certainly did not lose my religious jones 'because of the Borg'. I lost the desire or need for an imaginary Skydaddy after careful and lengthy research and study. I discovered that all religion is merely rank superstition based on a childish fear of living without some Eternal Parent to make sense of the randomness of life.
I realize that Christians and other religion addicts are too scared to consider a life without their crutch, but frankly I really get peeved at Christers who insist there is something wrong with me because I no longer subscribe to their favorite fantasy.
I consider my defection from religious idiocy to be a move toward sanity and decency. I resent being told I have made some kneejerk extreme reaction in a backlash against Borg teaching; nothing could be further from the truth. It took ten years of careful research and study to draw my conclusions, and there is nothing 'extreme' about them. I jettisoned that which I found useless and without factual foundation; God was the last bit of pointless cargo jettisoned, and oh! the relief at not having to carry around that useless old sod anymore!
I believed in Gawd and religious salvation packages because I was misled. Once I got accurate information, I was able to see the stupidity of the whole sin/salvation guilt trip, and began to build a better saner value system based on common sense and essential humanity.
When Christers learn that their right to their fantasy ends at the tip of their own nose, I will be happy to leave them to their fantasy. If they try to shove Jesus up my nose, they must be prepared for the appropriate reaction. I don't want or need their opiate in any form.